Gianna Baker

“I am the saddest in my life leaving this place. We became great friends so fast that I do not want us to all part our separate ways. It was also amazing learning with people who have similar interests and yet such unique experiences that gave us different perspectives.”

Josh Ancheta

“This was a wonderful experience which gave me a lot of knowledge and made me a lot of friends.”

Brianna Gutierrez

“At first I was very nervous and scared, but as the week went by I realized this was a great experience to have. Living in a house with people I don't know and seeing us get along together so well in such a short amount of time was truly rewarding. As for what we learned, both Dr. McCracken and Dr. Christenson were wonderful and did an amazing job teaching us this week. Having the opportunities to meet and ask questions to people in the field, during the panel and at the laboratory, were very eye opening and very informational.”

Nathan Rooney

“This fellowship provided an accelerated learning of Python which will be useful for all future STEM classes. Python was a great language due to its wide ranging capabilities and simple syntax. My favorite section during the week was the tour of NETL. The diverse research done there was inspiring enough to solidify my interest in research based physics/engineering.”

John (Jack) Hatten

“I learned much more than I would have expected to in a week. There were many unforgettable experiences. I would definitely do something such as this again if given the opportunity.”

Meredith Bailey

“If I were to sum up my experience I would say that it was very fun, a good learning experience, and useful. It was very fun because I got to meet more people and live with them for a little bit. It was a good learning experience because I learned how to code in Python and how biotechnology and QIS work. It was also useful because it's another thing I can use on my resume. Overall I really really enjoyed my experience.”

Daniel Swauger

“My week was a surprising amalgamation of learning and bonding. I will never forget the people that I met and hope to reconnect with them again one day soon. I also found flexibility in my career path which was unexpected, and I plan on following a slightly different, legislative science path. the networking opportunities were absolutely invaluable also.”