STEMNetX is making a difference!!!

Our Impact

  • StemNetX has so far partnered with 8 colleges and sponsored undergraduate research projects. Some of the colleges include Aging Institute at the University of Pittsburgh

  • StemNetX has since its inception in 2021, has consistently funded several STEM research projects in various universities. 17 such projects have been funded so far. These projects are predominantly summer research projects for undergraduate students. Click HERE to learn more about our Funded Research Projects

  • StemNetX has organized several workshops where more than 550 students have participated and benefitted from.

    Hands-on workshops on learning programming language like Python, workshops on ethics, ETC, name a few, have enabled students to truly benefit in their advancement in STEM fields.

  • StemNetX has presented outstanding research awards to 3 students.

  • On undergoing research training at StemNetX/projects funded by StemNetX, our students have 31 papers and conference presentations to their credit.

  • 100% of our students are interested in continuing their research or career in STEM f fields, which is a monumental success to our vision.

The investments made by CCL-US and STEMNetX provided funding support for summer research projects that benefited 17 students in four states.

“During the last 18 months, Chance to Change Lives has invested $100,000 toward numerous research experiences.”

—, November 20, 2023